Click on any mini-picutre to get the real thing.
Now doesn't that just make you want to give a donation to the Stevens and Pruett Foundation for Children and Animals?
If you want to see even more pictures, read on. The following
page of pictures are more graphic than the current page. If you
are easily offended by beautiful women, go no further. If seeing
women in barely any clothes bothers you, the next page is not
for you. If do not enjoy full-blown nuidity, turn back now!
The following page is rated NC-17 (or worse). If you are not
sure you want to see this, go visit Yahoo,
or something. Otherwise, click here
to see more pictures from the 6th Annual 1993 Stevens
and Pruett Holiday Ball.
Click here to go back to the beginning
This page has been accessed times since December 15, 1996.